Wealth Creation & Investment Strategies from a Registered Financial Advisor

with Horizon Wealth Advisory

At Horizon Wealth Advisory, we offer a suite of wealth creation, superannuation planning and investment strategies to help prepare you for the future.

Prepare for a better future with professional investment advice Brisbane trusts – achieve better wealth creation outcomes with the help of a professional investment strategist and a registered financial advisor from Horizon Wealth Advisory. To get started today, call Horizon Wealth Advisory – your trusted Brisbane financial planners – on 1300 351 716 or e-mail us at info@horizonwa.com.au now.

Diversifying your investments to balance achieving the best investment returns possible while managing risk is a key aspect of reliable, long term wealth creation. Investing can certainly be daunting – it can be very difficult to determine the best path with so many different options available. That is why it is so important to work with a trusted, professional, registered financial advisor and investment strategist to help you navigate through available options and to make informed decisions about your portfolio.

Our Registered Financial Advisor Can Help You with the Following Wealth Creation Strategies: 

Woman working on laptop looking at investment charts


Shares are an investment portfolio staple when it comes to wealth creation. At the same time, the share market can be volatile, and you may be anxious about taking the plunge before fully understanding the market. Shares are a growth asset, but it is important to diversify your portfolio to achieve your desired long-term capital and income growth. It is important that your share portfolio is well-aligned with your overall financial situation, your timeframes for investing and general financial strategy.

A Horizon Wealth Advisory shares advisor can help you look into a combination of Australian and international shares best aligned with your personal circumstances. Call 1300 351 716, e-mail info@horizonwa.com.au or get in touch with us online to speak to an expert shares advisor about your wealth creation goals and objectives.

Fixed Interest & Cash

Bonds are the most common form of fixed interest and offer a regular stream of income that provides consistent income. A bond owner will receive a fixed interest every year until the agreed upon date, where they should then receive their initial investment back. Government bonds are the most reliable form of bonds, as they carry the lowest risk of not being able to pay back the investee. Corporate bonds usually offer higher interest but are slightly more volatile – remember, the general rule of investing is the lower the risk, the lower the reward.

Holding cash is less risky than bonds though it’s still vulnerable to inflation. The biggest risk with cash holding is the loss of opportunity to invest in avenues with potentially better returns. At the same time, holding cash can give you the security of having a tangible financial asset available in case of an emergency. With so many possibilities, deciding on a fixed interest and cash investment strategy can be tricky, but the help of a personal investment advisor can make it a lot easier.

Speak to a registered financial advisor from Horizon Wealth Advisory today, call 1300 351 716, e-mail info@horizonwa.com.au or get in touch with us online for expert advice on the best fixed interest and cash opportunities for you.

Family sitting with daughter putting coins into piggy bank
Couple standing infront of 'for sale' sign talking to realtor


Property is a popular asset with many Australians and may be an important component of your portfolio. Direct property generally requires a large initial investment, making it that much more important to get expert advice from a professional property investment advisor before making a big purchase. We can help you to determine whether you are in a good position to buy real estate and what kind of property you can afford. We can then align you with a property expert to help determine the right property, help you implement and maintain an effective property investment strategy and to keep you on track.

Get professional property investment help from an expert property investment advisor. Call Horizon Wealth Advisory on call 1300 351 716, e-mail info@horizonwa.com.au or get in touch with us online today.

Ownership Structures

An investment portfolio can be held personally, through a company or trust structure, or through super (including a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF)). We can help you develop a holistic strategy for both your personal and super investments, to ensure that your portfolio is held within a structure best suited to achieving your goals in a tax-effective way.

For expert advice call Horizon Wealth Advisory on 1300 351 716, e-mail info@horizonwa.com.au or get in touch with us online and speak to an financial investment advisor you can trust.

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Horizon Wealth Advisory – Your Trusted, Registered Financial Advisor

Are you looking for an financial investment advisor who can help you secure your future? Get in touch with us at Horizon Wealth Advisory today for more information and help with effectively managing your investments and superannuation planning to create a reliable, passive income stream.

Our Investment Approach

Horizon Wealth Advisory Investment Approach Diagram

We believe that investors goals and timeframes should be central to the makeup of their portfolio. Without understanding the end goal, investors can often run the risk of chasing short-term returns and taking unnecessary risks, or alternatively sitting on the sidelines for too long and not achieving reasonable returns on their capital.

Our approach is to start with the client’s goals in mind and work backwards to construct a portfolio tailored to achieving these in a way that effectively manages risk and volatility. This approach provides the greatest opportunity for clients to achieve their financial and lifestyle goals over the long-term.

Finding the right asset allocation is a crucial for the construction of portfolios. We believe the asset allocation needs to be suited to the investment objectives and timeframes of the investor.

High growth asset classes (including shares, property and infrastructure) carry volatility risk though usually achieve higher long-term returns. Defensive assets (including fixed interest and cash) can help reduce volatility in a portfolio, though can carry inflation risk and shortfall risk.

We believe diversification is an effective way to manage risk. Diversification across asset classes is an effective way to reduce cyclical risk of any particular asset class. Diversifying within an asset class reduces exposure to risks associated with a particular company or sector.

Our belief is that passive and active management both have their place and can provide benefits to a portfolio. Passive management provides low-cost exposure to markets and track benchmarks, while active management can provide opportunities for alpha performance and greater downside protection in volatile markets.

Keeping costs at a competitive level is an important component to achieving strong long-term returns.

Our approach is to blend passive and active management with a core/satellite approach. In certain areas where we believe there is greater opportunity for outperformance (such as small to mid-cap equities) we will lean towards active management, while in other sectors we will have a greater weighting towards low-cost index funds. While cost is important, we still judge funds on their risk adjusted returns net of fees rather than purely on cost.

Further to percentage fees, we look to reduce hidden costs such as capital gains tax and transaction fees when a portfolio has high turnover. We favour a low-turnover approach which aligns with our long-term investment outlook.

Our approach is centered on long-term objectives and we look to block out short-term noise. We are of the view that keeping a long-term outlook leads to better investment decisions and avoids the pitfalls of reacting to short-term sentiment.

The headlines of the day can at times distort the value of an asset, but in the long-term we believe the price of an investment will normalise to its intrinsic value.

“In the short-run, the stock market is a voting machine. Yet, in the long-run, it is a weighing machine”. – Benjamin Graham

We also believe in the importance of rebalancing portfolios annually to keep in line with target asset allocation. This discipline keeps portfolios aligned with their investment objectives.

Another important strategy is to consistently invest throughout market cycles, focusing on time in the market rather than timing the market. We believe dollar cost averaging, the process of investing consistent amounts at regular intervals, is an effective strategy to smooth out returns and also reduce market timing risk.

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